looking for true love
on a dating app, swipe right?
what surprise awaits
kisses, sex, bliss, love
too fast, too good to be true?
time will tell they say
laughter, hiking, sex
walking, talking, discovery
cooking, playing, love
no expectations
no regret, no assumptions
no anger, no hurt
as soon as planes leave
and the sun's rays disappear
loneliness arrives
I close my eyes our
passionate embrace floods my
mind body and soul
I miss you, my love
the days are too long to wait
to see you again
sitting in my car
ready to embrace others
but thinking of you

we are a couple
yet, I'm alone on beaches
hidden, for so long
waiting, trouble brews
vows of love, yet constraints and
impatience, can't help
shunned, reality
dissatisfaction, despair
you want me to wait?
feelings, intense fears
no control it seems inflames
leaves pain, loss, regret
are we still in sync
can you feel my pain the same
or was I dreaming?
were you my true love
or only a fantasy
love lost forever?